A review by thefox22
What Remains by Helene Dunbar


*eARC kindly provided by Flux via NetGalley*
This is a pretty spoilery one!

An emotional, and sometimes heartbreaking, journey told all in one boy's POV. A guy who has two best friends but is ripped away from one of them forever. A boy who has to come to terms, not just with Lizzie's death, but with the beat of her heart in his chest. I found his journey to be full of growth and acceptance. But I have to say, I was a wee bit disappointed with the romance. I would have liked it if the author had explored Cal’s sexuality, and I felt that his friendship with Spencer had been left unresolved. I think it would have felt more genuine, to me, if it had become something more than what it seemed. Ultimately, I enjoyed this book though and would recommend to people who like emotionally tragic but healing stories.

Rating: 3.5 Paw Prints!