A review by angelofthe0dd
Memoirs Of Fanny Hill : A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text by John Cleland


When you consider this book was written almost 300 years ago, you begin to realize that human sexual nature (and appetite) hasn't changed much over the past few centuries. Anyone who has watched a campy 70s or 80s porn, where the screenwriters literally use any kind of human interaction to instigate a sex scene, you would surprised to know that that mentality existed in 1749 as much as it does today.

Having read modern erotica, I was impressed with how tastefully and artistically the author describes the explicit sex scenes. True that it was raunchy, but those without a decent vocabulary and vivid imagination might not get the whole picture.

As far as a plot - just as in modern porn - there really isn't much of one. If you jump into the book looking for literary depth, you will be very disappointed. If you're looking for well-written, so-silly-it's-entertaining erotica, then this is a good book.