A review by lanikei
The Fifth Vial by Michael Palmer


While working at AABB (the American Assn of Blood Banks), this book got passed around due to its subject matter. I saw it at B&N on clearance and figured I'd check it out.

I don't usually do the thriller/mystery kind of stuff, so I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy it. It was a little slow to get going as the 3 main plot lines all operate independently, but towards the end of the book as loose ends start matching up, I started to get more into it.

As usual with these sorts of books, the author feels some weird need to play matchmaker and throw 2 characters together for no apparent reason. But the book was mediocrely enjoyable enough, and the end was quick enough, that it didn't drive me crazy or ruin anything.

Not sure I'd give it a resounding recommendation, but it wasn't a bad read. I'm sure if you're interested in transfusion medicine, organ transplants, or a a fan of the genre, you'd probably enjoy this more than I.