A review by val_theburrowofstories
Thank You for Listening by Julia Whelan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
 (Tried to read this in March 2024) 
  • I’m sorry but for once I picked up a book just for the romance, and so it happens that this book is more adult problems and dealing with adulthood and her asshole father, anything but ROMANCE (and a one night stand in Las Vegas does not count lol)
  • I was excited because my fav booktuber recommended it, because Julia Whelan wrote it and narrates this and she’s one of my fav narrators! But this was just not for me.
  • The author gave her such a “unique” name and the character had an accident so she lost one of her eyes, and yet, her story is so boring. I listened to it one day and then I didn’t care to pick this up again.
  • I find funny that this book is sold as a romance book, when there’s barely any romance in it and the main character hates romance books.
  • Anyways, I really wanted to like this, love it even, but I am going to DNF.