A review by melledotca
Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars by Scotty Bowers


Can't entirely pin down whether it was the tone/style, all the people name-dropped, or the salaciousness of it all, but the book leaves you inclined not to believe a word of it. And there are just too many things that make no sense in the grand scale of culture, society, and class. So that either means that it's complete bullshit, or that the truth is even crazier than he tells it.

Has Hollywood zealously guarded secrets over the years? Of course. Has it been taboo to be openly gay, particularly as public icon? (Oddly, in a creative industry that attracts arguably more gay people than others.) Sure. But even with those foundational truths, the book didn't work for me.

I found the faux coyness the most irritating, where he'd dance around what he claimed two people (or more) did together, then in the next paragraph come out with thoroughly explicit language.

Anyway, the book got a fair bit of buzz when it came out, unsurprisingly. There're a lot of pretty big claims in it. Bowers isn't dead (yet), but all but one of the people mentioned in the book are, so not like anyone featured is going to comment.