A review by rainelle_barrett
The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan


The Virgin and the Rogue, written by Sophie Jordan is a wonderful book. Kingston and Charlotte’s romance brought steamy to the table in this story. Sophie Jordan, can definitely write romance between two characters. There was not one dull moment to be read. The dialogue chosen, helped make the book easy to read.
This allowed the reader to focus more on the romance of the story. Page after page, the book brought excitement, shock and a little naughtiness to the readers imagination. The story begins with Kingston escaping the bad memories of how his father had treated Kingston’s mother. He goes to his brother’s house. Charlotte, who unbeknownst to her has fallen victim to her sister tonic.
Leaving Charlotte doing things that no lady should be doing. Poor Kingston, he doesn’t think so though. Anyway, Kingston quickly sees that there’s an attraction there, but for Charlotte, it took a little convincing. The book had exciting tryst near ponds, in the kitchen and the family library at midnight. There are angry sons.
Loving sisters and a sister that you would need to keep an eye on, when she makes you something to drink. There are loathing parents and one mother you could strangle. And a poor dining room table asking, what has it done to cause such abuse. My fellow readers, I recommend this book. Until next time... read on!
I voluntary reviewed this ARC after receiving a free gifted copy.