A review by bookwormymegan
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


Tally Youngblood can't wait to be pretty. It's the perfect life; no imperfections, no flaws, no problems. All you have to do is party and have fun. Until Tally meets Shay. Shay doesn't want to be Pretty, and after admitting this to Tally, takes of for The Smoke, a place where people actually have to work to survive and don't have any surge. But when Tally is threatened by Special Circumstances, either bring back Shay or face never becoming Pretty, Tally betrays her friend and goes after her. As Tally begins to adjust, even finding first love with ugly David, Tally doesn't want to go back. She wants to stay. But Special Circumstances shows up and her new found life is shot to hell. Uglies is the beginning of Tally's journey, and, boy, is it a journey worth reading.

Uglies is the book that kickstarted my reading obsession up again. I remember, the day I got the book from my library, that I had seen a commercial for it. I thought it seemed interesting, but not something that I would read. Later, right as I was about to check out the books I did have, I saw it, sitting on the shelf, all alone. Saying, "What the heck", I grabbed it. I started it that same night and couldn't put it down. When I was done, I begged for the second one. Literally. When my family went to the store, I went with them, just to see if I could find Pretties.
I devoured that series. Checking out Pretties, Specials and Extras at the same time, and reading them back to back to back (which is something I seem to find impossible to do). When my birthday came around, I was ecstatic to be holding Bogus to Bubbly in my hands. The Uglies series really is something special.