A review by foraging_pages
Mastiff by Tamora Pierce


Just under two years since the events of Bloodhound, Mastiff begins with a funeral. Beka has gained and lost a fiancé the readers are unfamiliar with. That very same night she is swept away on a ship for a new investigation.

That beginning was a lot. I was like who? where? how many years?

Luckily the story began right off and any confusion disappeared (although the author kept saying it’s been three years since events that occurred in the last book but that was in 247 and it is now 249 - that’s only two years and if you go by month also it only adds up to one and a half years so I don’t know what that was about…)

I loved the cross-country Hunt aspect. It was a classic on-the-road, meeting-new-people, seeing-new-places quest. I enjoyed the slow burn between Farmer and Beka that this journey allowed. From the initial meeting to endearment to love - it was just well done and realistic because it was unassuming and came at the worst/least expected time.

Tunstall’s betrayal didn’t feel organic. I’m sure he and Sabine would have been happy to live as they were. He didn’t need to try to rise in station to meet hers. Neither of them needed to be married to prove their love. The reasoning is off. And him dying before he could face a trial and justice was too convenient. Strange plot twist by Pierce.

I teared up at the end when everyone was being rewarded by the king. Happy ending. ☺️