A review by gothradiohour
Slasher Witch at the Waterpark by Penny Moonz, Penny Moonz


The keywords of the marketing that got this book on my radar was weirdly perfect. I am part of the horror bookstagram community and a huge stan of Waterparks the band. So you can see how this book found me.
I used my birthday amazon gift card to get the kindle copy since I don't have KU membership. I downloaded it and was excited. I'd seen in the reviews and then the author's own note that this was "stupid, fun," I can get down with some monsters chowing.
I enjoyed the titular Slasher Witch, Zelda. I was living for her fashion choices and her discovery of margaritas. What a girlboss.
The chapters surrounding Zelda and her magical horror actions are filled with names of people I have zero feeling towards. Moonz continues to add more names simply for the body count to get higher. Tim Waggoner describes this phenomenon of characters only existing to be "slurped by glop." in his book Writing in the Dark. (p.111, Guide Dog Books, an Imprint of Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2020.)

The plot petered around different parts of the waterpark where Zelda's magic was raining chaos, before finally wrapping up in the parking lot.

I wish the story centered more around Zelda.