A review by beckermanex
All Souls Lost by Dan Moren


All Souls Lost takes equal parts Constantine and mixes in enough snark to overfill a swimming pool (maybe one of those haunted ones that are all the rage). The story establishes a world where people have the Knack (magic and supernatural sensitivity) and everything from warlocks, demons, psychics and beyond are all real. The whodunit type mystery initially centered around the death (and maybe demonic possession) of a high tech company employee doesn't stop there and the down-on-his-luck-supernatural-detective who spent the last two years on a beach. The world-building, or lack thereof, leaving the reader to fill in the gaps, but will surely be a nice setup for future adventures, is great.

The only knock is the paint-by-numbers villains and the dialog which tries too hard to be snarky and funny at times but it doesn't translate always to your internal voice as it may with perfect deliver in live-action. Still, this doesn't detract from the obvious fun you have while reading this brisk story and, as mentioned, here's to a few more adventures of Mike Lucifer.