A review by natneedsbooks
The Damaged by Tijan


Bailey is not working for me. She’s weak. She keeps letting Kash fight all her battles and even though she continually repeats to herself “Hayes women don’t cry. Never let them see you break” she continues to be broken and emotional.
And as much as I love how intense and alpha Kash is… he’s pissing me off too. He leaves her too much. He’s gone all the time and he keeps too much from Bailey. Even at the end, when he knows going with Victoria will hurt her, he does it anyway. Tijan usually gives us an alpha male who puts his woman first… but Kash is wrapped up more in his grandfather and business. He shows up just in time to slip in bed, have sex, and off he goes again.
I’m not impressed and it breaks my heart because I’ve been dying for a new Tijan story, waiting till all 3 books were out so I could devour them. But I wanted more than what this trilogy is giving me