A review by ori_gina_lity
Vanish by Tess Gerritsen


Vanish is one of those books that I enjoyed, but wouldn't read again. It's the kind of book I'd pick up when I had nothing else to read and just needed an in between to my next read. A clean slate, simple and nondescript it's a cleansing read. Perfect when you feel a book slump coming on: quick paced, easy to digest, Vanish is one of those books you can read without really thinking late at night.

I love detailed and interesting plots but going back and forth between “good” and “evil” with the occasional flash back in not what I had envisioned when I started reading this book. While it was full of mystery/suspense I felt that it lacked the “wow” factor I anticipated. That being said “Vanish” was entertaining for what is was: a middle of the road murder mystery. As for it being the 5th in a series, I can totally see why it can be read as a stand alone, however you can tell that there were prior mysteries to this book, relationships with other characters were already developed and so forth.

You know a mystery is good when you can't stop reading, and in this case I could have done just that and not have cared about the outcome of the story. This may come of as being harsh but it's just the reality of my reading experience... I liked the book just fine, but it was nothing to get excited over – I unfortunately made the mistake of getting high hopes and then was let down. Overall there wasn't anything amazing in this book, it was well written and there was plenty going on, but nothing that took me by much surprise.