A review by libralita
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han


Dammit Peter I love you.

-gasps- a young adult book talking about sex? Say it isn’t so!

Is it bad that I thought of 50 Shades of Grey when they were making the contract? Yep? Okay…

I get that Margot is like a clutch for LJ and it’s good that she’s out of the story most of the time, but dammit Margot needs some serious character development and I don’t really want her to leave. I’m hoping that maybe Han makes a companion novel with her adventures in Scotland or prequel to her days with Josh or something.

Gen’s family is going to put their grandma in a home and LJ is gonna be at the Belleview and Gen’s going to be a horrible person.


Oh my god whoever is torturing LJ with this shit has no life. Like I’m assuming it’s Gen, if it is, this is just showing how and pathetic her life is.

Alright, I forgive Kitty for mailing the letters because her getting Ms. Rothschild to her birthday party was beautiful. I’m so happy that Papa Covey is getting some, he’s a really nice guy and you never see single YA dads dating a nice person. I really hope he’s happy, he’s such a good dad.

I kind of like how Han has two story lines going at the same time, like the romance plot and family plot then sometimes the romance plot is in the background and the family plot is in the forefront or vise-versa. They’re both nicely written and I never go missing them. Every once in a while I’ll go, “oh, yeah, Peter and romance”. It’s very naturally written and it shows that LJ doesn’t just care about Peter/boys she’s dating but cares about her family and what’s going on in their lives.

Holy shit I legitimately didn’t see John being Stormy’s grandson coming.

Alright, Han won, she managed to make me tear up when LJ is crying and wanting her mom.

I don’t know who’s the worst shipper, Kitty shipping Peter and LJ, or Stormy shipping John and LJ.

Really? LJ kissed Peter in the 7th grade and you’ve kept this petty grudge for 5 years. I mean, yeah 7th graders are petty, I stopped talking to my friends in 7th grade but for bigger shit than a boy. Gen really is the most pathetic character I ever read.

Is there another book? I hope so, Petter and LJ are really cute together.