A review by bookofcinz
How to Kidnap the Rich by Rahul Raina


If you loved White Tiger you will enjoy Kidnap The Rich

Honestly, I love a great title and a book with a great cover so I was instantly drawn to this book. In How to Kidnap The Rich we meet Ramesh Kumar, he grew up in the slums of the Old City of Delhi. He grew up being physically and verbally abused by his father who sells tea from a stall. One day a nun from a private school saw his potential and decides to tutor him. Ramesh soaks up all the knowledge because he knows that’s what is going to get him out of his situation.

Fast forward to a few years later and Ramesh is making bank by taking tests for the sons of India’s most elites. His clients are willing to pay big money just to have their sons acing their national university entrance exams. On one exam Ramesh did so well, the son Rudi is place first in the country and propelled to celebrity status! Ramesh takes this as his sign, he is about to be rich and nothing will stop him. That is until… he get’s kidnapped with his cash cow!

First let me say, this book started off extraordinarily strong, down to the dedication was laugh out loud funny. I really enjoyed the writing for the first part then it fell off. The jokes and situation continued to be over the top and just borderline boring. I felt the book was overly written and tried way too hard in certain parts. While I did enjoy 30% of the book, the other parts not so much.
If you enjoyed WHITE TIGER this book kinda feels like it but not as well written. It is funny in certain parts but then it got repetitive and over the top… overall an ok read.