A review by readingintothevoid
Fathomfolk by Eliza Chan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 54%.
Listen, I really tried to give this a chance. This was a relatively long book and I stuck it out to the halfway point, but I still am not invested in the least in any of characters or the plot. I listened on audiobook and it’s narrated by one of my absolute favorite narrators, Emily Woo Zeller, and I still just could not tell any of the characters apart and didn’t find a single thing compelling.

I think the concept is very cool, but I’m not a skilled enough book critic to understand why this just did nothing for me. Were there simply too many POVs and none of them compelling? Did nothing very interesting happen? Or was there just something else about the writing that didn’t work for me that I can’t put my finger on?

I’m bummed, but I truly can’t force myself to read any more.