A review by booksnorkel
The Cat Who Saw Red by Lilian Jackson Braun


Qwill is on a diet which is unfortunate since he is now the writer for the gourmet food column. He packs up his cats and moves into Maus Haus, an old art boarding house turned into well it’s still an art boarding house if you consider culinary arts art. An old mysterious suicide and an old ex-girlfriend make this move one to be remembered. Qwill in the manner of unrequited love loans his ex some money and then she disappears. Feeling jilted he tries to write it off as her MO until KoKo starts acting weird, and he finds her suitcase… a fun romp with only a little misogyny as this book was written in the sixties. There’s a larger girl whose size we aren’t allowed to forget who is out husband hunting and if only she could lose some weight and stop acting so desperate… A great read I am so happy that I’m reading through this series again 