A review by xterminal
The Dreaming, Vol. 1 by Queenie Chan


Queenie Chan, The Dreaming, vol. 1 (Tokyopop, 2005)

The Dreaming, projected to be a three-book series, kicks off with this one. Twin sisters Amber and Jeanie are sent to an exclusive boarding school deep in the Australian bush. While they're nieces of the school's headmaster, it seems that the very morning after they leave, she has to head off for three months to a string of conferences and things, so the girls have to face the school alone. And a weird one it is. First, there are some girls who just wander off into the bush and are never seen again. Second, the teachers are an odd lot, capped off by a vice-principal who seems utterly insane (and has something against twins, to the point where their aunt tells them to lie and say they were born a year apart). And, well, things are just not right all around. The girls make a few friends, and life settles down, all except for their odd dreams...

An interesting start to the series. I'll be interested to see where this one goes. ***