A review by ladyheroj
Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen: Invasion of the Optiklons by John Layman


I eagerly bought this a couple weeks ago when I found a copy at a convention. I love Stephen Colbert! Strangers with Candy, the Daily Show, Colbert Report, the Late Show...always hilarious. I own Wigfield and I jumped at the chance to own another Colbert-related books. I never managed to get my hands on Tek Jansen back when it published--what luck to find it now for $5!

Five bucks is about what it's worth. I'd actually begrudge even that amount if I weren't the Colbert mega-fan that I am.

The weird thing was that I didn't realize how much I'd forgotten his Report character. Tek Jansen's brazen, over-the-top attitude was nostalgic, in a way. But reading it now, this far out from the final Report episode...the book doesn't age well at all. Especially since the writers don't nail Colbert's original satirical humor, nor do they do a good job at parodying old sci-fi and comic tropes. A laugh or two are still in there, but overall it just felt like a chore to read. I can't imagine anyone unfamiliar with Colbert's old character enjoying this. It simply falls flat with its satire and parody.