A review by ciska
Russka by Edward Rutherfurd


Found this book in a little library and was happy as I read Paris a few years back and very much enjoyed to way that was written.
Russia always intrigued me. It is a huge country with so much history and so much variety that it is sometimes hard to believe it can exist like that. It was fun to read how it developed with the settlements and the ever changing borders. It was touching a lot of developments I was not aware of. I was surprised by the point that was made about the development of things in Russia, how they were 'behind' because they did not feel/saw the need of certain things.
I like how the families/characters develop. Starting at a base but all stay connected one way or the other. It makes a story where a lot is happening and that is spread over so much time still small in a weird way. I liked that in all the periods the women were the stronger characters.