A review by acesarrows
When All the Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Krentz


Whenever you read a Jayne Ann Krentz novel you know exactly what you're going to get. A spunky heroine, a somewhat terse, yet sweet hero, a mystery, and a happy ending.

And that's just what When All The Girls Have Gone gives you.

It's an easy, fun read with the usual JAK writing style and quirky conversational ticks. Charlotte is our regular JAK heroine - she thinks she's uninteresting and boring and her fiancé left her a week before the wedding (and left her with all the bills!). Our hero is Max, a down on his luck PI, who had to leave a high-powered career as a profiler in D.C. due to a case that went awry. Both of our intrepid main characters call themselves "a one foot in front of the other" kind of person. They both seem to think this isn't a good character trait. But of course, we readers know better.

Max is hired to look into a suspicious death, and soon Charlotte stumbles across him while her stepsister is away. Soon, they're dodging bullets, researching a decades old crime, and generally getting to know each other.

The mystery was fairly involved, although not too in-depth. A few people died, but nothing graphic or too violent. There were quite a few potential bad-guys in this one, and I will admit it did keep me guessing until the end. Like all JAK's this this isn't a suspenseful romance, it's a romantic suspense :)

My one quibble was the somewhat hanging thread of the ex-fiancé, but it certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment. I'm wondering if this will be book one of a series, and the other two will be about Cabot and Jack, Max's foster brothers.

A fast read - good for a vacation, flight, or a beach - with a sweet romance, a good mystery and a satisfying conclusion.

With thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!