A review by daybreak1012
Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls by Ann M. Martin


Ever since I learned that Netflix was reimagining one of my favorite childhood book series, I had decided that I would be embarking on a re-read of this series, reliving a series of books that helped to shape me into a voracious reader. I am so excited to embark on this travel back in time. I don't expect to be mentally stimulated -- I mean, I'm not exactly a pre-teen middle-schooler these days -- but I make no apology for choosing to enjoy this series from the perspective of adulthood. Don't expect me to have any sort of psychoanalyst or feminist sermonizing on the appropriateness of the situations or the effects on a young girl reading these books; there's plenty of that to go around already. I'm here for the nostalgia and the meander down memory lane

What I liked about Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls:
The slight chill factor
- We all think we're so big and bad, but no matter how old we get, one thing goes bump in the night and we're twelve-year-olds again.
Claudia's relationship with Mimi - This resonates deeply with me. I was my Gram's girl when I was young. Everywhere she went, I wanted to go too. She was my favorite person (and still is, in my heart). When I read about Mimi's patience with Claudia, the wisdom she imparts, the closeness of their bond, these are all things I know from my own Gram; she feels so close by to me when I read those scenes.

What I didn't care for:
Claudia's attitude
- Yes, I sympathize with the pressures of living in Janine's shadow, but the constant whining about it gets old in a hurry. And then she gets all jugdy toward Mary Anne and Kristy's immaturity, and all I can think is "whining isn't all that adult either, Claudia." I am no fan of hypocrisy. Not even in twelve-year-old fictional characters.
Did Kristy seriously threaten to punch a sitting charge's lights out?? - Kristy, Kristy, Kristy. Things have changed a lot since this was written, but even thirty-some-odd years ago, I am certain parents weren't cool with a sitter punching a kid. Thinking it, maybe, but not saying it. Then again, Kristy seems to lack a filter, so am I really all that surprised? Still. That's no way to keep clients calling you for business and Kristy is typically very conscious of that at least!

I am going to stick with my original four-star rating. This book had mystery and suspense, both of which I enjoy to this day, after getting a taste for it with Nancy Drew and the BSC mystery installments. It also occurs to me just how much certain book series and television shows became part of my personal vernacular. I keep chuckling to myself as I read phrases that I know still use all the time. I love it. It's been so good reliving these memories. I'll be looking forward to each and every one of them.