A review by profromance
Breathless by Willow Winters, W. Winters


Willow Winters’s current book, Breathless, is the latest offering in her Merciless series. This is the third book in a series of four, and it doesn’t disappoint.

The third book follows the fall out from Aria’s decision to save her “family” from Carter and his brother. Carter and Aria have reached a stale-mate in their relationship, as Carter knows that once he kills Aria’s family, she cannot love him. Aria finds herself torn between her loyalty to her family and her love for Carter, which does not diminish in this book. This book ends on a cliffhanger, setting up the final book, Endless.

Characters: 💙💙💙💙

From Merciless, we were interested to the complex characters of Carter and Aria. At the start, even at odds, these two characters have a scorching chemistry. As a tortured soul, Carter seeks love. He needs it to redeem his soul. He believes he has found it in Aria, although he struggles to article his love for her. This causes Aria’s internal struggle. She feels his love, but she is never clear in it. When she chooses to save her family from Carter and his brothers, she knows she is complicating her love for him. While their chemistry still exists in book 3, the strife between the two complicates their lives. This is the main reason I offered only four hearts instead of five. At times, I grow weary of the inner dialogues of Carter and Aria as they repeat their issues over and over again. We know from the first book that either Carter will decide to forgo killing Aria’s father and Nickolai or Aria must realize that her father’s death will be the sacrifice to atone for his past sins with the Cross brothers. In Heartless, neither the characters have come to this conclusion, so they become repetitive in their responses.

Story: 💙💙💙💙

As this is the third book in a four- part series, the story continues following Aria and Carter’s story. There are some serious situations that occur in this book that hurt my heart, some deaths that were unexpected. As I mentioned above, the book ends on a cliffhanger that I can’t wait to read in Endless. I am waiting with bated breath to see how this story resolves.

Sexiness Quotient: 💙💙💙💙

As a dominant, the way Carter possesses Aria’s body is exciting. From the first book, I’ve always been suspicious of their sexual connection because he took her from her family. However, Winters knows how to write their sexual encounters to be incredibly sexy. She spares no sexual act for these two.

Style: 💙💙💙💙

There is something interesting about Winters’s writing. She puts space between her ideas wherein she doesn’t give you every detail or every thought of her characters. She allows you to fill it in for yourself. At times, this can be frustrating because you will read a sentence and wonder more about it, but she has moved on to another idea by the time she realize what she has done. I love that space between words and sentences and ideas. It is her signature.

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I think the only reason I held back a star for Breathless has more to do with my want to see the ending of this series. Not that I have become tired of it. Simply, I crave the future for Carter and Aria. Carter has endured so much pain and strife in his life, as has Aria. I would like to see their happy ending, and this book moves us closer to it but still holds it at arm’s length.