A review by nikneedsnovels
Out For Blood by Tobin Elliott


The series has gotten even darker. Pete is now in possession of the book. Pete’s abused at home and bullied at school. Talia might not have the book, but she’s still keeping teeth. Fellow students Theo, Crouch, Toad and Stash have a weekly poker game that Theo invites Pete to. The book pursuades Pete to decline the invitation and to summon a demon in the bathroom of the high school. Enter a sperm demon. Theo and friends end up having to fight their way through the school. What follows is intense, gory, graphic, horrific, all the adjectives. Did I have to stop and read something else at 58%? Yes. Did I finish it? Also, yes. Did I eat spaghettios w/ meatballs while watching Terrifier 2? Maybe. I was a little lost in the beginning, the ending ties everything together.