A review by aemesserlie
The Blood Gospel by James Rollins


The Blood Gospel is the debut novel of a new series by James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell. After a mysterious earthquake uncovers unknown portions of the ancient fortress of Masada, three people: a priest, an archaeologist, and a member of the military embark on a dangerous quest to uncover a mystery over a thousand years old. So starts the Order of the Sanguines.

As a fan of Rollin's Sigma Force series, I was excited to see him branch out into slightly new territory. Although this book contains plenty of the action and historical mystery that fans of Rollin's love him for, this book also highlights a more interpersonal story as well. As cheesy as the plot was, I still really enjoyed this book. Just don't look for anything incredibly profound here. And don't pick it up if you are sick of the contemporary Biblical mystery action thriller trend.