A review by cathiedalziel
Pure by Julianna Baggott


Not sure how I feel about this book. Baggott does a very good job in building a world that is totally depraved. A world that has no value or sentiment for human life.

Did I like this book. No. But a review shouldn't be based on what I like. A book review's purpose is to let other's know if the book is well written, if the story is original, if the plot makes you feel emotions. This book is all that; hence my 4 stars.

My recommendation is to take a lot of gravol while reading this one. My stomach was quesy and I had bile in my throat more than once. This book is graphic and it succeeds in evoking strong emotions (at least it did in me). It is definitely one of the creepiest and darkest YA dystopias I've read so far.

I hope we never get to this level of human commodity exchange for the ultimate purpose.

I'm not sure how I feel about Pressia, the main character. She is more stoic and brave than I ever will be or ever want to be.

The ending surprised me (the epilogue)in that it was sweet and emotional and dared to believe in hope for the future; real hope of goodness not just a wish. It fit with the story but was not like the story that was told to that point. Think of Terminator 2 with the gritty tale of life now and then the ending of emotion that made your heart feel when it was not use to feeling, and you'll get the point.

I may just read the next book in the series [b:Fuse|9752754|Fuse (Pure #2)|Julianna Baggott|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1362017479s/9752754.jpg|14642009][bc:Fuse|9752754|Fuse (Pure #2)|Julianna Baggott|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1362017479s/9752754.jpg|14642009] to see whether their hopes ever come true. Before I do I will have to line my stomach with steel and get blotto (100% Moonshine), so it may be awhile before you see that review.

If you're a gore fan, you will probably relish this read. It's brutal and it takes you into a world not for the squemish.