A review by teachinsci
Bounty Hunter: Lone Gunfighter of the Wastelands by Rachel Aukes


This novel is less sci-fi than a post-apocalyptic action novel. The main characters are mostly former soldiers, most of whom served in 3+ wars in a recent history that also involved humans living underground for 7 generations. The central point of view is a bounty hunter named Havoc (Joe) who introduces us to the idea that guilds of bounty hunters act as a sort of police force to deliver people to "justice" as determined by the MRC, a somewhat laissez-faire government that is being subverted from within. The bounty hunter (I keep picturing the Mandalorian) ends up in the middle of a war between guilds as well as between a sheriff and those trying to take over the region.
The descriptions of the world come as flashbacks or thoughts while characters are moving between action scenes. Although, a good way to get a sense of things would be to think of the original Fallout game followed by wars in which the hero has acquired really good armor. Dog is even a character (kinda)!
There were a couple of problems though. One is the sheer amount of world building and action that (based on the story) had taken place in the lifetime of what seems to be a under-middle-aged main character. The second were the references to things from today's world that were used as sayings our descriptions. Sometimes they were write-off as read in a book, other times they were just dismissed as something old people said. The reason this bugged ne is that this is set 7 generations after a series of apocalyptic events. No one from before would still be alive to recall things like fireworks used as celebration. Not a huge thing, but it would take me out of the story occasionally.
It was enjoyable enough to hold my interest so long as I wasn't needing anything too deep. It was fun though and a nice light read.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read a pre-release copy of this book.