A review by queendarcy
Here Speeching American: A Very Strange Guide to English as it is Garbled Around the World by Ross Petras


My library has this "event" every year where they give out their old books for free. Not just old books, but e.g.books that they don't use anymore, that are too damaged or if they have enough other copies or books that people generally don't borrow - like books in German or in English. It's not an event per se, but they have this shelf with those books that they take out once in a while and put a sign so you know those are for taking. Anyways, this "event" is currently still going on, and so far (they take out more books once the shelf is emptied) I've only taken one book - this one.

The moment I saw this ridiculous cover and title, I knew I had to take it XD And let me tell you something, I wasn't disappointed. It was utterly ridiculous and I honestly laughed out loud a couple of times. It's quite short and it's not some supreme literature, but it's fun to read nonetheless. Here are some of my faves:

"For the safety of the passenger it is prohibited to carry the dangerous things in their hand bags of passenger.
-the hand bag
-dangerous things as gasses and passions"

"At the Cashier's counter kindly note that personal cheese are not accepted."

"Guests are prihobited from walking around in the lobby in large groups in the nude."
