A review by travelseatsreads
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson


This Book Is Gay is possibly one of the hardest books I’ve sat down to review, because while it’s clear the book is written from a well meaning place unfortunately the execution just leaves it down miserably.
The book declares itself as a one stop shop guide to sexuality and what it's like to grow up LGBT however at times feels like it just really isn’t inclusive enough! The humour and terminology used is quite juvenile in places and a lot of comments do tend to miss their mark.
It does need to be mentioned that the book was written by Juno as a gay male before she transitioned and I think the struggles she was experiencing at the time with her own identity unfortunately shine through.
It annoys me to rate the book so low, especially given the far right rhetoric and false quotes thrown about however it's also far from a balanced inclusive look at the LGBTQIA+ world as a whole.
The book isn’t terrible in its entirety and it may be a good starting point for a confused teen or conversation starter however there are many more books out there which cover this topic better. 
On a side note I am a huge fan of Juno and her other work but just feel this was a miss rather than a hit.

Standout Lines
“LGBTQ+ people do not choose to be LGBTQ+. Bigots choose to hate.”
“The less we understand a group in society--the less we bother to learn--the more misconceptions and worries we have.”

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