A review by jcpdiesel21
Spoiled by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


I figured that I would like this book based on the amusing pieces that I've read in the past by Cocks and Morgan, but this book exceeded my expectations. It's smartly written with a core story that teenagers will enjoy, and with an abundance of pop culture and fashion references to amuse older readers and serve as inside jokes for regular readers of Go Fug Yourself. The book takes a familiar fish out of water plot and makes it fresh and original by injecting loads of humor, bypassing many young adult clichés and completely embracing the craziness of the setting and secondary characters. I liked how both of the main characters were completely relatable and grounded in some way. Everything that Brick says is an absolute hoot, and I adored each of the incredibly creative fake movie titles. Such fun, and how can you not like a book that manages to perfectly employ a Slow Clap?