A review by chelseaj91
How to Catch a Wicked Viscount by Amy Rose Bennett


I think I'm in love...

Seriously, this was a sweet book. I loved how the relationship evolved between Nate and Sophie and how they both grew throughout the book.

Sophie was awesome. I liked that she was determined to help her family out in whatever way she could (
Spoilerminus dealing with creepy Lord Buxton *shudder*
), and I was glad that she didn't let the rejections get her down. She was bound and determined to get that book published and I was excited when she took the first rejection and acknowledged that she wasn't going to get things done if she left the package just sitting there. I also loved how she finally realized where her feelings lay, regarding Nate. She realized how she felt and she was frank with him, but she also didn't push him. I really liked how she handled Lady Penelope and Lady None of Your Business. That was hilarious and had me giggling at my desk.

Nate was slightly frustrating, but mainly that was because he took so long to come to his senses. Mostly, he was, well, dreamy. Even though he was a rake and had a bit of a wild streak, he still seemed to care for his family, to an extent. Yes, there was a painful past there that made him think he needed to distance himself, but he kind of did what he could. And then there was his little, *ahem* mistake with the bedrooms. I did like that as he realized what was going on, he knew potential fallout and was willing to do the honorable thing, even if it wasn't what he wanted. And while I do think that things might have evolved over time between he and Sophie if he had, the fact that Charlie blackmailed him and helped them out made things so much better. Nate's lessons certainly backfired in the most glorious way and I loved how he was attentive to both Charlie and Sophie, mostly Sophie, and how protective he was. The way he took care of Lord Buxton the first time had me laughing and the second, I was cheering. (Can anyone tell that I did not like Lord Buxton?)

Charlie was hilarious, honestly. She wasn't one to sit in a corner and do cross-stitch, and I liked the fact that she was wanting to form their group so they could learn about things that weren't traditionally "ladylike". And she certainly didn't let their little scandal drag her down. I can't wait for her book with...Max, maybe? Or Lord Edgerton? The one tiny issue I had was actually Charlie's blackmail scheme. Yes, it was a great way to help she and Sophie get out and get advice on husband hunting, but if Nate and Sophie were truly endgame, why would she glare at him when he was trying to flirt? And why was she so intent on Lord Claremont? Unless that was to see if she could get Nate to call him out or admit something, I guess?

All told, quick, fun read and I really kind of want book 2 now!