A review by thecatladybooknook_penny
Long Bright River by Liz Moore


4.5/5 stars - When I first heard of this book on Booktube and Bookstagram, I thought "Nah, I don't care to read that." Then I joined a small reading group on Instagram and they had decided to read this so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Boy, am I glad I did!!!

Once you started reading and were invested in the story, it literally flew by!! I wanted to keep reading past the designated stopping points/discussion sections. The writing just flowed and felt like literary fiction with a mystery element to it and it had me wanting to know more and more FASTER! The only reason I gave 4.5 vs 5 stars was because one of the reveals of where the sister was found was a bit anticlimactic to me. I expected a "OH MY GOSH" moment.

This story follows a cop named Mickey who has a sister, Kacey, who is a drug addict and they are no longer on speaking terms. Mickey has been searching for Kacey because there had been a string of murders on Mickey's beat. The book is told from Mickey's POV in Now and Then sections. I loved getting to know the characters growing up and how that factored into how they got to the places in life where they are Now. The twists were great and I was totally blindsided.

I will definitely be reading more of [a:Liz Moore|6879446|Liz Moore|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1484153944p2/6879446.jpg]'s work.