A review by lumenmews
Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter by Russell Nohelty


I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and am quite saddened to see that this is the only volume produced. Ichabod is a fascinating character (or characters), and the jury is still out on whether he is truly a monster hunter, or the monster himself.

The art is what initially drew me in to this story, and it never disappointed. I've read many horror comics that have attempted the dark, gory mess aesthetic, but few pull it off the way Podestá has. As another reviewer pointed out, some of the characters can be difficult to distinguish at times, but the artist utilizes trademark physical qualities to help us find our way. It wasn't something that I found problematic, personally.

I'll sign this review off with my favourite eerie moment from the book, which will forever leave yearning to dive deeper into the dark depths of this profound character.