A review by judyward
Ford County: Stories by John Grisham


In Ford County, John Grisham returns to the location of his first novel, A Time to Kill. In this book of 7 stories, most longer than average short stories, but shorter than novellas, Grisham introduces a cast of unforgettable characters. One of my favorites involved three good old boys from Ford County who are traveling to Memphis to give blood to an injured friend. Problem is they don't know how badly injured the friend is, what hospital he is in, and they can't seem to drive by a store selling beer without stopping. Many of the stories deal with people riding the thin edge of the law and, of course, this includes lawyers, especially lawyers. Grisham has said that each of these stories were failed plots for novels. I only hope that he has stacks of failed plots because I eagerly look forward to another volume of his short stories.