A review by lilyn_g
Into the Mist by Lee Murray


Lee Murray’s Into the Mist was the creature feature I’d been needing. I love me some good old-fashioned chomp’n’stomp, and this definitely fit the bill. Unlike a few of my recent monster reads, this one was brimming with atmosphere, felt completely real to the area it was staged in, and kept me thoroughly entertained. I learned some new words that I have a feeling I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. I got to witness a very satisfying death of the resident This Book’s Douchebag. (Though there was one more person I wouldn’t have minded getting at least a proper squishing.)

Into the Mist delivers on several levels; it has believable characters, tension, and mysteries. It’s also very well-written, with just a handful of errors missed by the copy-editing. While sometimes it can be fun to see your average Joes go up against the resident Godzilla, it’s a little more satisfying when its soldiers versus monsters. You feel like the scales are a little bit more equal, and maybe there’s not going to be some egghead saving the day. Also, even though I tend to roll my eyes at the kissyface that tends to pop up in these books, I was very much a fan of the male and female protagonist. I also appreciated that it wasn’t “Oh, my dahling, how I’ve been waiting for you! You complete me.” Immediately. (Or ever, really.)

And did I mention the chomping? I was very happy with the chomping. Even when a doggo got nommed, I wasn’t in any particular distress. Mayhaps because the gullet-gulping was one heck of a mental image.

Pretty much the only thing I didn’t care for wasn’t necessarily something that was wrong with Into the Mist. It just wasn’t an aspect that appealed to me personally. (But I can’t say what it was because it will spoil something for you if you haven’t read it yet.)

Overall, Into the Mist easily slots itself into my Top Ten Creature Feature Books. Maybe even the top 5. Lee Murray does a monster good. I can’t wait to read more from her. I’ll admit, I was even hoping for a little bit of a Lake Placid ending before I was even nearly done with the book!