A review by mxbookmoth
Thirteen Reasons why by Jay Asher


This is a *much* longer review than I think I've ever written! 😂 But I feel like it's necessary for this particular Book {There's still no spoilers though}:

So, I heard about a new Netflix show called 13 Reasons Why & promptly added it to my {Massive} Netflix list, as it looked like my kind of show. 😊 Then I heard that it's based on a Book-& I like to read the Book version of things first, if I become aware that there is one, as it just makes more sense to me. 👍🏽 No shade if that's not how you do things though-Just what's best for you. ✌🏽

Anyway, after hunting high & low in the Shops for this Book, I ended up having to buy it online-As it seemed like a lot of other people had the same idea as me! 😝
In the meantime I was avoiding spoilers like the plague-Both from the Netflix show & from the Book. 🙈 I was obviously also aware of all of the strong opinions, positive & negative, on the subject matter/s. 👀

When I finally got the Book, I was hooked straight away-I like the writing style, the unique way in which the story's told & the story itself sucked me in & so made to want to keep going. 😁 I fell asleep {Once with the Book still in my hand!} whilst reading this multiple times, because I didn't want to stop! 😅

I like how simple it *seems*; A boy, listening to audiotapes from a girl he knows, whilst having minimal interactions with other characters & settings {Only when important to the story in some way}, with a dual narrative that gives you reactions to what's being said straight away.
But I loved how complex it *actually* is-This is a girl who's committed suicide & is talking about all of the events & her part in/Reactions to/Feelings about them, to the people involved in some way {Whether wrongly or rightly} in these events.

I got emotionally invested in this story, the characters {Some more than others!} & the events pretty damn quickly! 👀 As I can understand/Sympathise/Empathise even, with a lot of things. But there are also a couple of things that I really can't... 😶

But, to close, I feel that it's a great Book & an important subject matter as well.👌🏽 Mental illness/Health & Sucide especially, are *still* taboo subjects for some people & so they don't get spoken about enough. Also, some people really don't realise how much what they say & do to others can really affect them! 😔 I don't think that we should therefore hyper analyse everything that we say & do to others, based on what they'll think, feel & do in reaction to it. But I think we should just take a minute beforehand to put ourselves in their shoes & imagine how it might come across to them. 💞

Thanks for reading my long as f review! 😜