A review by theyarnling
The Decoy Girlfriend by Lillie Vale

Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.

The Decoy Girlfriend. 

DNF @ 25% 


·         Written in the first person present tense

·         ABUNDANCE of pop culture and tik-tok references

·         Fake Dating 

·         Celebrity Romance 

·         Rushed Pacing 


Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, for the ARC of The Decoy Girlfriend. This book was not for me mostly due to the Tense it was written in which I find terribly annoying and migraine-inducing by ANY author and the abundance of current POP culture references which I find jarring and pull me out of a story (again by any author regardless of style). These are personal pet peeves of mine and are not indicative of bad storytelling or bad writing. In fact, the premise of this book is fantastic and will be a 5-star read I am sure for those who do not share my “peeves.” Therefore I will not be reviewing this book on the following platforms: Amazon Instagram Or GoodReads


 Thank you again for allowing me access to this book even if style-wise it wasn’t for me,