A review by oldrunningmom
Running with Sherman by Christopher McDougall


I received a prerelease copy of [b:Running with Sherman|43834684|Running with Sherman|Christopher McDougall|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1557706255l/43834684._SY75_.jpg|68214759] from NetGalley.

[a:Christopher McDougall|133538|Christopher McDougall|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1294361251p2/133538.jpg] receives a mangy, depressed donkey and has dreams of entering the world burro racing championship in Colorado. Now if this sounds like the craziest premise for a book that you've ever heard, keep in mind that it's McDougall, who wrote the best selling Born to Run and sparked the whole barefoot running fad. Will he do the same for burro racing? Stay tuned for that but don't miss out on another great read. I swear McDougall could write a book about paint drying and make it interesting. McDougall shares his trials and tribulations of living with a donkey as well as all kinds of background stories about donkeys, running, ultrarunning.

I'll have a full review on my blog: https:/www.takinglongwayhome.com