A review by abauer
Everything That Burns by Gita Trelease


I was happy to be in the magical world of Enchantée once more! Everthing That Burns picks up where the last book left off. After killing the Vicomte Seguin, Camille has sworn off all magic. But magic is not so easily deterred, and it calls to her. After a chance encounter with a group of girls living in poverty, Camille decides to put her skills as a printer to use by telling their stories, hoping to rally the people to their cause. And it works...a little too easily. As her pamphlets garner more and more attention, Camille is desperate to learn more about her magic - a dangerous endeavor in a time when magicians are being hunted down and executed by the Crown.

Everthing That Burns was not quite as good as the first book. I had some issues with the plot, particularly in regard to the magicians' plan, but I liked the historical detail and use of French. A fun read overall!