A review by jontia
The Rogue by Trudi Canavan


The Rogue is quite definitely a middle of a trilogy book. There's plenty of things happening, but not much that reaches a climax. The sub-plot involving the two female novices mentioned in the blurb anchors the Kyrallain part of the tale, with the larger aspects of the story orbiting around it. The novices are new characters, and interestingly done each showing a different side of the decision to mix the social classes in The Guild, making it clear that the opportunities this presents aren't without their downside when people with unsavoury agendas enter the mix.

Lorkin and Dannyl both continue their exploration of other cultures, Lorkin with The Traitors and Dannyl back to his old wandering habits off looking for as many different groups of people to talk to as possible. Each of these two are responsible for bringing pieces into place that will undoubtably pay off in the final book of the trilogy.

And that's the biggest flaw of The Rogue , it is a set up for the finale and so it was always going to be more about that, than providing a stand alone story. There was always the slight feeling that the bits you could see coming towards a conclusion within this volume felt a bit more like padding that something that moved the central premise forwards. For me though it was better to have had at least some plot lines closed off within the book itself, giving the novel a point beyond just being number 2 out of 3. Well worth the read, I just hope I don't have to wait too long for the conclusion.