A review by jhen_squared
Letter from a Rake by Sasha Cottman


Suffice to say, I didn't like it and judging from the reviews, my opinion is unpopular.

The writing read like something I'd write at 16. It barely reeked of London in the 1800s. It read and felt so contemporary, so modern that it hardly felt like a historical fiction novel. The conversations between characters felt forced at times or like they were just there to fill space and kill time in other parts. The miscommunication between the characters was just, so ridiculous and done so poorly. All Lucy did was cry.

They fell inlove after speaking to each other outside of a ball twice. Once out of those two times was for an apology. The insta love was a ship I could not board. At all. Didnt understand and couldn't see where they managed to fall in love with the page time I had covered.

The characters also all read like they were 16, especially the leading male character. For a man of 23 and a rake, he's stupid and makes the dumbest most childish choices (and no I'm not referring to a main characteristic of his). He reads like a 12 year old boy instead of a grown man almost all the time. I didn't (not once) find him charming, disarming, great or charismatic. Millie sure thought he was but honestly, after everything I read I don't know what she saw. To be fair I don't know what saw in her either he'd only known the girl all of 5 minutes. Wasn't buying it.

The sex scene, God sex in romance novels really do make me uncomfortable. What with the 'stroke her heat,' and 'calling forth her wetness,' and 'gently knead her breast with his hand.' What is this girl, a piece of dough to make bread? It's not even flowery, it doesn't feel intimate all they use is the word 'want' and 'desire' and I always wonder if these authors that write these scenes have ever had sex before. Or made love before. Because surely, it's more than this? Anyway.

I almost didn't finish but I did and it ended the same way romances always seem to freaking end. I read one romance a year or try to and I think that's it for me for right now. Definitely not continuing this series.