A review by mckenzierichardson
Around the World in 8 1/2 Days by Megan McDonald


For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleAnother wonderful Judy Moody adventure. I loved these books growing up and I still love them today. They are nice, easy reads that still incorporate great messages and entertaining stories. This one focuses on balancing new friends and old friends, a topic that is very relatable. The story does a good job presenting the excitement of forming relationships with new people and the resulting struggle of keeping previous friendships in your life with very good messages along the way.There is also bonus content at the end including "10 Things You May Not Know About Megan McDonald" (which includes a little anecdote about the real-life inspiration to that traumatic newt storyline from Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid) and "10 Things You May Not Know About Peter H. Reynolds" as well as how to say "Hello" and "Later" in various languages as featured in Judy Moody's Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of More Fun Stuff to Do.A great book about friendship, class projects, and problem solving told in perfect Judy Moody fashion.