A review by kevinwkelsey
A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away by Christopher Brookmyre


I almost always love Christopher Brookmyre novels—they're great stories, usually touching, at times hilarious and disturbing, and full of great characters. One Fine Day Day in the Middle of the Night, Quite Ugly One Morning, and Not the End of the World are all great reads.

Unfortunately, this one did not do it for me. It was so, so boring. Constant flashbacks, and nothing happening for hundreds of pages. This should not have been a 500 page novel. It's actually a great story, it's just that there's not enough story to support 500 pages. 250-300 pages? Absolutely. I would've been really into that novel.

A Big Boy Did it and Ran Away is the first in a series, and I love the author enough to check out the others for sure.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: if you haven't read any Christopher Brookmyre, don't let this review scare you off his work. He's incredible, but this is not his best.