A review by becbec624
The Breakup Vacation by Anna Gracia


The Breakup Vacation follows Grace, the narrator, after her somewhat serious boyfriend breaks up with her to focus more on his growing acting career. Her best friends, Tiff and Camille, decide they need a girl's weekend, and during this trip, the main character continues trying to meet up with her ex while coincidentally running into a new guy.
While I enjoyed this story and the idea of taking a vacation to get over an ex where you run into a new guy, I could not get behind this main character. She was constantly obsessed with what her ex was doing and if he was with someone new. This created times when she lied to her friends and new love interest, creating a predictable third-act conflict where everyone learns about her lies.
The Breakup Vacation is a great read for anyone looking for a messy vacation-ey read to transport you somewhere where it is warm.