A review by jamies_shelves
Belle by Cameron Dokey


3.5 Stars!

This book was a very interesting take on Beauty and the Beast. It was very different in the way that the rose and mirror were involved, but it was unique and honestly pretty cool!

This book started off really strong. Good writing, good setup, good plot. Then we met the beast, and there were less than 100 pages left. Because of this from when we meet the beast until the end was REALLY rushed. I think she met him, left, and then realized she loved him all within like fifty pages? Way too fast. I feel like we didn't know the beast at all because we barely saw him. Which kind of sucks, because I feel like there was such potential to fall in love with this couple and their love story.

I did enjoy that in this tale all of Belle's family were nice people. Both her sisters and her mom, while having their faults, were kind and treated Belle well. This was definitely a nice change.

Overall this book was a fun and really quick read! It really did feel like I was reading a classic fairytale.