A review by gannent
The Siege by Peter David


Really enjoyed this DS9 novel.

Highlights include: Odo battling it out with a shapeshifter like he never got to on the show's limited budget; Sisko telling dad jokes; Dax offering to kill Dukat; Odo's last thought before he thinks he's going to die is "who's going to look after Quark?"; an offhand mention of Garak as the station's gossip monger

Lowlights: Dax commenting about how she likes doing ~girly~ things now that she's a ~woman~ again; Bashir continuing to prove that he's never taken an ethics class in his entire goddamn life; Dax and Kira playing very minor roles

The tone of this story is waaay darker than any of the episodes I've seen, but I still enjoyed it. The topic was dark, but there was still series-typical humor so the serial-killing plot didn't seem so out of place. I was laughing out loud at several points and caught up in the drama at others. Glad that I read it.