A review by hmgelo02
Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand


Let me start by saying I was expecting this to be a throw-away book. Something I could start, put down if something else caught my attention, and/or never pick back up (and never regret missing out on if I didn't return to it). I think that impression was the fault of the editors, or whoever put the front cover together. With the tagline, "Three women. Three Secrets. One long, hot summer." and a quote reading, "Summer reading fun. ... Twenty pages in, you'll be ready to drop everything and head for the beach yourself." I was only expecting fluff.

So when I ended up neglecting all chores around the house for an entire day while I devoted all my spare, non-parenting time to reading this book that I was hard-pressed to put down, I was really surprised.

This book is, indeed, the story of three women who travel to the beaches of Nantucket for a summer, but it's also about so much more than that. This is the story of three women who may look like they have it all together from the outside, but who are falling apart at the seams internally. Their summer spent together, crammed into a tiny, older-than-dirt beach house does not make them fast friends, but enables them to work out for themselves how to deal with the hands life has dealt them.

I would not classify this as a beach read. To me, those are books that are picked up and easily put down. I wasn't able to easily put this down; I was wrapped up in the characters and their lives (and the drama within their lives). I wanted to follow through to the end. In the end I was left satisfied and wanting to read more books by this author, and that's always a good feeling to have at the end of a reading.