A review by aurelyarose
Now I Rise by Kiersten White

This book was a great sequel.
It was a bit sadder for me. In the first book we our antiheroine and hero slowly loosing their innocence in the face of the cruel world around them. In this one, Lada embraces what she believes to be the nature of the world, while Radu contemplates if it something that can be fought against... While being manipulated by Mehmed.
My heart breaks for both of them. Even Mehmed a little. But definitely Lada and Radu more.

I can't see this story having a happy ending. Honestly, Lada is giving me Lelouch vibes now with her stunt at the end. I want her to be happy. I desperately want Radu to be happy.

I am so pissed the library couldn't find their copy of the final book yesterday when I needed it