A review by cathyatratedreads
The Absolute Book by Elizabeth Knox


When I learned that Elizabeth Knox had written a new fantasy novel, I barely even looked at its summary on Goodreads before I plunked down my digital dollars for a Kindle copy and scampered away with my e-purchase. Her books Dreamhunter and Dreamquake (and then Mortal Fire, set in the same world) made such an impression on me, transporting me to a truly unique fantastical setting with a story that packed an emotional wallop, that I was more than ready to follow her into whatever creation she had dreamed up most recently. And rather than feel cowed by its goodly length of 640 pages, I was blissfully grateful that she had crafted a world that would allow me plenty of time to immerse myself in it even while I couldn’t help but tear through it.
Anything can and does happen in the story, and it’s far from being predictable. Knox yanks readers into the story and pulls us along much as Shift grabs Taryn and takes her on marvelous journeys through the Sidh. I just let myself fall into this brilliant, wondrous and nearly indescribable brew Knox cooked up and savored each morsel. It’s a bit quirky and may not be for everyone, but it is magical and thoroughly memorable.
Read my full review, including a rating for content, at RatedReads.com: https://ratedreads.com/absolute-book-fiction-book-review/