A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Heated Pursuit by April Hunt


**3.5 Stars**

April Hunt’s HEATED PURSUIT delves into another country with bad guys, hot military alphas, and a stubbornly feisty heroine. Romantic suspense is one of my favorite sub-genres so when I saw the blurb for this book I couldn’t pass it up. And when you open this book, you’re right into the thick of it immediately. There is no let’s-get-to-know-our-characters-lives first, instead you’re thrust right into the action which I applaud because this is what makes a book hard to put down in the first few pages.

While some romantic suspense can start to blend into others, what set this book apart was the appeal of our hero, Rafe. He had this magnetic charm that stuck to you like glue. Or stuck him to me like glue. Yeah, if only, right? He and his rag-tag group of buddies felt unique in a sea of sameness, and drew me into wanting to stick around to not only read this story but to see theirs as well. The back-and-forth challenges and banter between Rafe and Penny, our heroine, added some fun to the book even if, at times, her hardheadedness made her hard to connect to.

Hunt has great writing and the potential to build fabulous stories. I think the one thing that stuck out to me that dropped the star rating was that the suspense wasn’t as prevalent as I had hoped. When it was there, it was woven beautifully and smartly, but it fell to the wayside when I so desperately wanted it to keep building. The balance between sex and plot skewed a bit to the left, but I can’t really complain because I did enjoy all aspects. There was fire and fun and action, everything that makes a novel what it should be. I’m looking forward to where Hunt will take us next.

**Received an early copy and reviewed voluntarily**