A review by kaje_harper
Guardian by Carole Cummings


This book grabbed my attention and held it from the opening page. It's not a romance...yet. It is an intriguing fantasy about two men who are caught up in magical and political violence and intrigue, and are finding that neither they nor the world around them are what they had previously believed. Both men are enormously sympathetic and complex characters, and their interactions have a fascination somewhere between a love story and a train wreck. This book is in my top favorites of the year. Might be right at the top if it were a self-contained story. But be warned, this book is in no way complete in and of itself. At the end, the adventure is just beginning for these men together. I went right out and bought Book 2, and I'm relieved that Book 3 is not too far down the road. If you hate cliffhangers, wait to read this until the third comes out. But then, if you enjoy fantasy, run don't walk to your book vendor and give this a try.